Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wayward Child-Tribute to Lolita/Dolores Haze

In 2008 I photographed this tribute to Nabokov's Lolita. Lolita is my favorite book, for reasons that I cannot even take the time to describe here, they are so numerous. I read it in an armchair when I was 15, and it inspired me profoundly. It has to this day inspired every aspect of my artistic expression; my art, my writing, and as you see here, my fashion. The same year I ironically discovered a book at Borders called Fresh Fruits, which contains photography of Japanese street fashion with an emphasis on Gothic Lolita style. I read it every visit I made, which was often, to gain inspiration. One of the elements that I uphold about Lolita herself is that she is a contradiction. At twelve years old in pigtails and checkered petticoats she was viewed even by her own mother as merely a child. But yet she posesses power, and it is this duality that I embrace. She is both innocence and corruption at once, as is Humbert Humbert. When I was 18, already a Kubrick fan, I finally viewed his masterpiece Lolita. It does differ from the book, but is certainly the best film adaptation to date, and I strongly encourage you to either read the book, watch the film, or both!
The outfit here is as follows:

Red gingham Dress-Wetseal Clearance
White straw hat-Target $10
Red Glitter Sunglasses-Party City

I wore this outfit for Famous Friday during Spirit Week my Senior Year. Hardly anyone knew who I was, but it was certainly fun.

1 comment:

  1. I've always enjoyed these photos, even though I haven't read the book or seen exactly what the resource picture is until now, I just knew you recreated it well. ;o
    Maybe I will pick up the book sometime.
